Stroller Care
This completely genius concoction we owe to our friends at St Kilda Mums. Don’t forget if you have old prams, high chairs and things gathering dust give them to St Kilda Mums and they will find a loving new home for them!

How to Clean your Baby Jogger:
- Grab some magical pixie dust (aka baking soda) and Castille Soap* (buy this from health food stores, some IGA's & online)
- Mix these two together 50/50 with some water to make a paste
- Scrub this paste on with a hard brush all over the areas you want to clean (you can use an old toothbrush to get to those hard to reach parts here too)
- Rinse off with a hose, bucket of water
- For really tough stains leave the baking soda/castille concoction to set a little before scrubbing with more water and then rinsing
- Leave outside to dry
You can use this very same solution to clean your bathroom, the kitchen sink, take dirty fingerprints off paint – you name it. The great thing about it is that you never worry about the kids getting into the cleaning products because Baking soda is a cooking ingredient, and the Castille Soap is made from olive oil!*
*In earlier centuries, an all-vegetable based soap was made in the Castile region of Spain from local olive oil. By the turn of this last century, “Castile” had come to mean any vegetable oil-based soap, versus animal (tallow) fat-based soap. Castile Soaps are a pure and simple liquid soap, not a complex blend of detergents. Castile Soaps do not contain any synthetic foaming agents or detergents. We use Dr Bronner castile soap. You will find it at your local health food shop.
- – Do not remove your fabrics from your stroller in the cleaning process and let dry off the stroller or you may never get them back on again (trust us!)
- – Do not put your fabrics through the washing machine (would you put a $1000 dress through the washing machine?)